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Can I negotiate proposals with influencers?
Can I negotiate proposals with influencers?

Negotiate proposals on Stir using the chat feature to adjust deliverables, timelines, or compensation.

Updated over a month ago

Yes, Stir makes it easy to negotiate proposals with influencers, encouraging open communication to ensure both parties are satisfied with the collaboration. Negotiation is often a key part of the process, as it allows you to fine-tune proposal details to better align with your campaign goals and the influencer’s capabilities. Here’s how you can effectively negotiate proposals on Stir.

Use Stir’s Chat Feature

Stir provides a built-in chat feature that allows you to communicate directly with influencers. This tool enables you to discuss and refine the terms of a proposal in real-time, ensuring clarity and agreement on all aspects of the collaboration.

How to Use the Chat Feature:

  1. Navigate to the "Proposals" section of your dashboard.

  2. Select the proposal you’d like to negotiate.

  3. Click on the "Chat" option to start a conversation with the influencer.

This feature ensures that all communication stays organized within the platform, making it easy to reference later if needed.

What Can Be Negotiated?

When negotiating with influencers, it’s important to focus on key aspects of the proposal to ensure the collaboration is mutually beneficial. Here are some common elements you can discuss:

1. Deliverables

  • Adjust the type, quantity, or format of the content the influencer will create.

  • Example: Request additional Instagram Stories, a longer video, or a specific post format.

2. Timelines

  • Negotiate deadlines or campaign schedules to accommodate both your needs and the influencer’s availability.

  • Example: If your campaign launch date shifts, ask the influencer to adjust their posting schedule accordingly.

3. Compensation

  • Discuss payment terms to ensure they align with your budget and the influencer’s expectations. This could include renegotiating rates, offering performance-based incentives, or providing non-monetary perks (e.g., free merchandise or exclusive access).

  • Example: If the influencer’s proposed rate exceeds your budget, offer a counterproposal with adjusted deliverables or added incentives.

Tips for Successful Negotiation

Negotiating with influencers requires professionalism and a collaborative mindset. Here are some tips to ensure a productive discussion:

1. Be Clear and Specific

Clearly outline the changes you’d like to make to the proposal. Avoid vague or overly broad requests to prevent misunderstandings.

Example: “We’d like to adjust the deliverables to include one additional Instagram Story. Does that work for you?”

2. Be Respectful of Their Time and Expertise

Remember that influencers are professionals with their own schedules and creative processes. Approach negotiations with respect for their time and expertise.

Example: “I understand you may have other commitments, but is it possible to adjust the timeline slightly?”

3. Offer Compromises

Aim for a win-win solution by finding middle ground. If you’re asking for additional work, consider offering extra compensation or flexibility in return.

Example: “Would you be open to including one more deliverable? We’d be happy to increase the payment by [amount].”

4. Be Open to Their Input

Influencers know their audience best, so be open to their suggestions. Collaborative discussions can lead to better campaign outcomes.

Example: “Do you think this approach will resonate with your audience, or would you suggest any adjustments?”

Finalizing the Agreement

Once you’ve reached an agreement on the proposal terms, update the proposal in Stir to reflect the changes. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the final deliverables, timelines, and compensation.

How to Update the Proposal:

  1. Go to the "Proposals" section in your dashboard.

  2. Select the proposal and make the necessary edits.

  3. Confirm the changes with the influencer before marking the proposal as accepted.


Stir encourages open communication and provides tools to make negotiation with influencers simple and efficient. By using the chat feature to discuss proposal details—such as deliverables, timelines, or compensation—you can create a collaboration that works for both your campaign and the influencer. Remember to approach negotiations with clarity, respect, and a willingness to compromise to ensure a successful partnership.

Start negotiating today to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with influencers on Stir!

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